Friday, 23 October 2009

Analysis of short thriller film clip

Seven- Seven was made in 1995 and was directed by David Fincher. It stars Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman and in my opinion is one of the most effective openings to a thriller that I have watched. The music which opens this film is very much jumpy and jerky, creating a very sinister feel to the opening of this film. The music accompanied with a series of images showing the murderer gathering together what he needs for his killings. These images help build up a bigger picture of what is going to happen in the story. These shots are all in black, white and occasionally red, representing blood and therefore showing the menacing nature of the film. We never see the murders face, which i think adds suspense to the film. The titles are all over the screen and have no consistently as to where they appear, showing the uncertainty the murderer is trying to create.

Psycho- This film was directed by Alfred Hitchcock and is possibly one of the most famous thriller films of all time. The music is possibly the most effective part of the opening, which starts in an everyday setting. The score, which was produced by Bernard Herrmann who produced much of the music for Hitchcock’s films, is very frantic and high pitched, almost as though some one if screeching. It gives the audience the feeling that someone is being chased. In the opening titles of Psycho Hitchcock’s name appears twice, showing that films are often sold on who either stars in them or directs them.

North by Northwest- North by Northwest is another Hitchcock film, which opening titles were very reminiscent of Psycho. Hitchcock’s name again appears twice, showing that films were often sold on who either stars in them or directs them. The music in the opening of North by Northwest, also produced by Bernard Herrmann, is also very similar to the score in Psycho, as it is frantic and jumpy. The jumpiness of the score is representative of the ups and downs of the films story. The music is also slightly frantic, echoing the fact that our main character, Roger Thornhill, spends most of the film on the run from both the police and Phillip Vandamm’s gang.

The Usual Suspects- This film was directed by Bryan Singer. The colours in this opening are all very dark, as you would expect in a thriller movie, The camera is panning over the water at night and we see a man starting a fire. This instantly grabs the audience's attention from the very start of the film. The music, like all the other films i have looked at in this blog, is orchasteral and menacing.